Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Geeky and Loving It

I honestly think that I have been processing a lot of useless information. I believe it is my love for trivia that pre-empted this, and it has been down hill since.

Recently, I have been giving a lecture to the staff in one of our morning IEC's (Information, Education and Communication). I blurted out that the longest word in the medical dictionary is PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS and the longest non-medical word is SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS. I mean, I literally basked in the "knowing"that such words exist. Nerd.

I blame the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. I blame Agatha Christie. I blame all the authors, mentors and even Filipino showbiz personalities that have shaped my minds. I blame Who Wants To be A Millionaire. I blame The Weakest Link (which, by the way I won back in 1999). I blame the New York Times for the weekly puzzles.

For someone growing up and not being invloved in physical sports, the mind games were all I had. Geek.

On the brighter side, I was actually proud of being a bit of a nerd. In one occassion, I attended a high-end party given by the British High Commissioner in Vanuatu. There were a lot of stiffed upper lips in the crowd and a lot of wannabes as well. And there I was, sipping red wine and having cheese mingling with the crowds and trying to be with the "in"crowd. And all of a sudden this guy from the upper east side of London said something about the mating habits of the primates in central africa. The poor guy had no clue that this is actually a conversation killer. But guess who came to the rescue? Moi! So I conversed with him the natural destiny of primates in diverse situations amidst the gawks and the gaping mouths. Hah! How nerdy can you be?

Super Geek to the rescue.

And so it was that the processing these unuseful information has become a tragic event for me. Sweet, but tragic. And that, my friend is the irony of it.

Did you know that.....